09/16/20- The Marketing Fix

Here’s 5 articles and links that caught our attention that we’d like to share with you.
Our philosophy: In order to fix your marketing you need a combination of the right tools in your toolbox and the knowledge to know how to properly use them. Regularly reading curated marketing content for accounting, tax, and advisory firms will help you to keep your tools sharpened.
Should I Discount If My Price Is Too High?
Source: bit.ly
FIXYR’S VIEW: This is a common topic that we get asked about – price discounting, including when to do it, and when not to. In this article, Mark Wickersham shares his thoughts, including why he think’s it never a good idea to discount
and why you should find others ways to swap value.
Virtual social networking and building stronger strategic connections
Source: bit.ly
FIXYR’S VIEW: In this article from the Intuit Proconnect blog, they discuss three approaches to build stronger connections on social media. Honestly the bit about “strategic connections” in the title is missing, but it’s a good read anyways.
Do B2B brands need purpose anyway?
Source: www.b2bmarketing.net
FIXYR’S VIEW: Do B2B brands need purpose? The answer is no…BUT it does help if done properly and authentically.
Is Your Strategy Top-Down, Bottom-Up Or Sideways?
Source: www.forbes.com
FIXYR’S VIEW: Understanding what drives your competitive advantage can help you determine which strategic approach to use for each business unit.
Using polarity maps to achieve organizational change
Source: www.smartbrief.com
FIXYR’S VIEW: Understanding organizational change management can be helpful to B2B firms selling to mid- or large enterprises. Polarity Maps are a great model to consider how the tension between the need for stability versus the desire for change don’t need to be in opposition. Both can both be tapped into for success.
At Fixyr we give financial firms the advice you truly need & the roadmap to succeed. Fix your marketing in a snap with a Fixyr marketing roadmap!
Do you have a marketing link that you think would be useful to our audience? Feel free to email it to info@fixyr.com.